Mathematical analysis of sensitive parameters due to dynamic transmission of Ebola virus disease
1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Mathematics, Osun State Polytechnic Iree, Nigeria.
3 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.
4 Department of Mathematics/ Statistics, Osun State College of Technology Eesa-Oke, Nigeria.
Research Article
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Multidisciplinary Studies, 2022, 01(01), 001–016.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrms.2022.1.1.0022
Publication history:
Received on 06 July 2022; revised on 18 August 2022; accepted on 21 August 2022
A mathematical model of Ebola virus disease was formulated, it was shown that the model was well- posed, both disease and endemic equilibria for the models were obtained. The models were analysed for stability and it was established that the disease free equilibrium of model is locally asymptotically stable whenever the basic reproduction number is less than unity. Similarly, there exist endemic point when the basic reproduction numbers of Ebola virus disease is greater than unity. The results obtained so far from sensitivity analysis strongly shows that the spread of Ebola virus disease in the population depend on effective contact rate. Conclusively, in the numerical simulation where Runge –Kutta method of order four via MAPPLE (18) software was adopoted it shows that the best way to control the Ebola virus disease in the population is to minimize the contact rate.
Ebola virus disease; Boundedness of solutions; Basic reproduction number; Existence of endemic equilibrium point; Sensitivity indices
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