Trends of oat production area, productivity and utilization in Ethiopia

Lensa Urgesa *

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Mechara Agricultural Research Center P. O. Box 19, Machara, Ethiopia.
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Science and Technology, 2022, 01(01), 011-018.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrst.2022.1.1.0021
Publication history: 
Received on 18 July 2022; revised on 22 August 2022; accepted on 25 August 2022
Oat is an important multi-purpose cereal crops cultivated for grain, feed and straw used for human consumption and livestock feed. Oat is ranked as sixth in the world’s cereal production following wheat, maize, rice, barley and sorghum. Therefore, this study is initiated to analyze the trends of; oats production area, productivity and utilization in Ethiopia. Data of meher season oats area of production (ha), productivity (qt/ha) and utilization (%) were collected from Central statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia. Trend test was carried out using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall’s trend test packaged in XLstat. The result of this study indicated that the production of oat showed non-significant increasing trend. Additionally oats yield qt/ha showed that significant increasing trend. Oat production area showed significant decreasing despite used as Household Consumption and animal feed showed non-significant decreasing trend
Oat; Animal feed; Household consumption; Trend analysis; Area of production
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