Inter-annual differences in spatial distribution of some marine bivalve Molluscs’ juveniles
laboratory systematics and morphology. National Scientific Center of Marine Biology n.a. A.V. Zhirmunsky, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 17 Palchevskogo str. Vladivostok, 690041 Russia.
Research Article
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Multidisciplinary Studies, 202, 01(01), 025–061.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrms.2022.1.1.0025
Publication history:
Received on 14 July 2022; revised on 02 September 2022; accepted on 24 September 2022
Operating in Russia technologies of bivalve mollusk’s cultivation are based on the larvae collection for artificial substrates. However, besides those ones cultivated, the competing larvae and predatory species also settle on these substrates. The competing species have similar nutritional needs with cultivated ones, but the predators eat them. In order to reduce negative influence of companion species, the long-term spatial distribution of the sea-scallop collectors’ main inhabitants is being researched which allows to find the most optimal water area for the cultivated Patinopecten yessoensis. The comparison of the long-term spatial distribution dynamics with climatic factors defines the most influential ones on horizontal and vertical distribution of the researched species. Using the ability to predict the climatic factors, for instance, the solar activity it helps to apply the forecast for the optimizing conditions of the cultivated species existing.
larvae and spats of P. yessoensis; M. trossulus; Ch. Farreri; S. swiftii; Variability of spacial distribution
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