Characterization of adolescent pregnancy in the community
1 Comprehensive Care for Women, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Comprehensive General Medicine, University of Medical Sciences. Sancti Spíritus. Cuba.
2 Natural Medicine and Bioenergetics, Licensed Practical Nurse, University of Medical Sciences. Provincial Directorate of Health. Sancti Spíritus. Cuba.
3 Natural Medicine and Bioenergetics, Comprehensive General Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Medical Sciences. Provincial Directorate of Health. Sancti Spíritus. Cuba.
4 Satisfactory Longevity, Comprehensive General Medicine, University of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine Dr. Faustino Pérez Hernández. Methodological Department. Sancti Spíritus. Cuba.
5 Pedagogical Sciences, Language, University of Medical Sciences, Sancti Spíritus. Cuba.
Review Article
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Medicine and Dentistry, 2022, 01(01), 032–038.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrmd.2022.1.1.0019
Publication history:
Received on 29 July 2022; revised on 06 September 2022; accepted on 09 September 2022
Adolescent fertility constitutes a challenge of sexual and reproductive health at the international level. Teenage pregnancy becomes a complex public health problem. The objective of the authors is to characterize the pregnant adolescents of the Jatibonico II polyclinic in their urban area in order to design actions and activities that make up a strategy for the proper management of pregnant women in an active and proactive way. Descriptive study for the characterization of pregnant adolescents according to sociodemographic variables, biopsychosocial variables and the clinical variable. Research methods of the theoretical level, the empirical level and the mathematical statistical level were used. The percentage calculation was carried out. 53 pregnant adolescents were included. The data with the highest percentage were adolescents from 17 to 19 years old for 41, 51 %, secondary school finished with 49, 1 %. 56, 60 % of those studied maintained a stable relationship with a low level of information about the pregnancy in 77, 36 %. Family rejection was one of the biopsychosocial complications that most affected those studied, 81, 13 %. The school dropout exhibited low figures and the state of health was good in 54, 72 %. The importance of the characterization of pregnant adolescents is exposed, to implement actions and activities that allow the proper management of pregnant women at this stage of life, improving their health status.
Characterization; Adolescent; Pregnancy; Prevention
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