Enhancing manufacturing excellence through lean six sigma
Department of Mechanical Eng., Faculty of Eng. Shubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt.
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Engineering and Technology, 2022, 01(01), 029–044.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crret.2022.1.1.0025
Publication history:
Received on 05 August 2022; revised on 13 September 2022; accepted on 17 September 2022
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is one of the most popular and widely used business improvement methodologies. The integration of LSS is important as Lean focuses on eliminating waste between and within the steps of the process, and Six Sigma works to reduce the variation of output seen in processes and works to improve the quality of the inputs going into the process. This research provides a detailed view for practitioners of applying LSS in manufacturing. This study explores the latest developments, current trends and perspectives of LSS. LSS critical success factors (CSFs) in manufacturing are discussed. The success of LSS has been attributed a lot to the leadership. An integrated LSS-DMAIC framework is developed for improving process efficiency and effectiveness. The proposed framework is a practical roadmap of LSS which can be utilized in any manufacturing sector. Finally, this work can serve as a foundation for future efforts in an attempt to improve the classification and contents in ways that better describe researchers in the field of LSS.
LSS; DMAIC; Lean Manufacturing; Six Sigma; Process Improvement; TQM.
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