Assessment of the corporate social responsibility, task significance, and job performance at the university of Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana
1 Department of Management, School of Business, College of Humanities and Legal Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Njala University, Njala Campus, Private Mail Bag, Freetown 47235, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Research Article
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Engineering and Technology, 2022, 01(01), 001–013.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crret.2022.1.1.0022
Publication history:
Received on 05 July 2022; revised on 11 August 2022; accepted on 14 August 2022
The study was conducted at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana to analyse the role of task significance in the association between Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) and the job performance of the administrative staff of the University. The study specifically addressed four objectives that emanated from the main objective. These objectives were to; assess the influence of CSR on the performance of employees; analyse the effect of CSR on task significance; assess the influence of task significance and employee performance, and examine the moderating role of task significance in CSR and job performance nexus. A self-administered questionnaire was utilised to collect data from 273 randomly sampled respondents and with the use of the partial least square structuring equation modelling, and the hypotheses were tested. The results revealed that CSR has a significant positive relationship (R=0.097; t=2.549; p=0.003) with staff performance, and a positive link with task significance (R=0.928; t=77.470; p<0.000). The study further established that task significance had a significant positive relationship with staff performance (R=0.346; t=2.096; p = 0.037). Lastly, the indirect column revealed that task significance partially mediates the relationship between CSR and task significance (R=0.321; t=2.071; p=0.039). The study therefore recommended that managers of the University of Cape Coast should invest financial resources into CSR activities, create a friendly working environment, and donate to the welfare of employees, and their families.
Corporate Social Responsibility; Job Performance; Task Significance; University of Cape Coast
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