Effect of water soluble and soil soluble salts on growth and nutrient uptake pathway of halophyte
1 Department of Botany, Punjab College, Mian Channun Pakistan.
2 Institute of Botany, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan 60800, Pakistan.
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2022, 01(01), 025-033.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrcp.2022.1.1.0002
Publication history:
Received on 16 July 2022; revised on 19 August 2022; accepted on 22 August 2022
The area of earth affected by salinity is expanding gradually because in agribusiness, salinization of water or soil is one of the world’s most genuine ecological issues. Due to presence of excess salts in soil or water, most of yield of crops affected. Most of the problems due to salinity are described by most of inorganic salts. The salinity is shaped under the most important climatic states because due to reduced molecular activity of water causes increase in water vaporization. For most of the important crops, mean yield is only a fraction, somewhere between 20% and 50% of listed yield; mostly all this waste is due to lack of rain and salinity rich soil, climatic states which will aggregate in most area as the consequence of worldwide environmental change. In addition to this, salt-effected soil is adjacent to the territories in which the salinity is produced by the low quality of the waterlogging method of moisten. The physiological and metabolic developments in plants are stimulated by the saline soil but growth is affected by it. As a result of the salinity stress, plants hold against, ovule growth, life span, yield, and its divisions. Due to salinity, photosynthesis, and rate of respiration of plants are decreased. Some of plants grow better under saline environment than normal condition. Population of world is increasing rapidly and development of industries, agricultural land is declining day by day. Therefore, it is necessary to use the affected area to fulfil the needs of food. Anyhow, there is a requirement to make the easy and low-cost biological systems which can be used in short period ways because comparable means are extensive. For salt ability to last, hereditary change will transpire to be steadily essential as it requires to be major to make the border of the soil. In conclusion both soil and water salts are major harmful threats which are adversely affecting the agricultural environment.
Halophytes; Salt Stress; Agricultural Environment; Nutrient uptake
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