A review of the application of probiotics and prebiotics for sustainable development of aquaculture

Alemu Kebede Abdi 1 * and Demessa Negessu Gemachu 2

1 Animal Health Institute, Fish Disease laboratory, Sebeta, Ethiopia.
2 Animal Health Institute, Viral isolation laboratory, Sebeta, Ethiopia.
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Biology and Pharmacy, 2022, 01(01), 005-012.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrbp.2022.1.1.0032
Publication history: 
Received on 20 July 2022; revised on 26 August 2022; accepted on 29 August 2022
Aquaculture is one of the wildest developing food-producing subdivisions of the world. World aquaculture has vastly developed during the previous few years, and also attracts an economically significant sector. Like any other production sector aquaculture is also exposed to pressure conditions that induce the aquaculture,s immune system. Also, some factors increase their vulnerability to diseases. Accordingly, it disturbs both the financial development and socio-economic status of the local people in several developed and developing nations specifically developing nations. The disease regulator strategy in aquaculture production has succeeded by following different approaches expanding traditional methods: artificial chemicals, and antibiotics. The practice of antimicrobial drugs and pesticides has directed the evolution of resistant straining of bacteria. Consequently, other techniques are much more vital to maintaining a healthy bacteriological environment in aquaculture production organizations. The recent review précises and deliberates the effects of probiotics and prebiotics direction on growth performance, stress forbearance, intestinal microbiota, immune response, and well-being of aquatic organisms.
Aquaculture; Probiotic; Prebiotic; Aquaculture
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