Effects of supplementation with Cajanus cajan, Lablab purpureus and Cowpea on feed intake, growth performance and carcass characteristics of black head sheep fed a basal diet of Rhodes grass

Sisay Kumsa *

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center, P. O. Box 85, Southern Oromia, Borana, Ethiopia.
Research Article
Comprehensive Research and Reviews in Biology and Pharmacy, 2022, 01(01), 024–034.
Article DOI: 10.57219/crrbp.2022.1.1.0034
Publication history: 
Received on 16 July 2022; revised on 28 August 2022; accepted on 02 September 2022
An experiment was carried out using twenty eight male black head sheep with an average body weight 19.91±0.2 kg (mean±SEM) at Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center with the objective to investigate the effect of supplementation with Pigeon pea, Cowpea and Lablab on feed intake, body weight change and carcass parameters of black head sheep. The experiment was performed for one hundred five(105)days including with adaptation period of fifteen(15) days. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used. Four blocks of seven animals based on their initial body weight and the four treatments were randomly assigned to each animal in a block. The experiment layout consist of adlibitum feeding of Rhodes grass hay plus 200 g dry matter (DM) of wheat bran for all groups and additional supplementation forage legumes with 312, 340 and 352g DM per head per day of T2,T3 and T3 respectively. Rhodes grass hay intake was significantly different (p<0.001) between forage supplemented and control experiment. Sheep in the control consumed more dry matter of Rhodes grass hay as compared to the legume supplemented groups. There were significant differences (P<0.001) in total dry matter, crude protein, Ash Organic matter and fiber intakes between the control (T1) and forage legumes supplemented animals (T2, T3 and T4). Highest average daily weight gain 88.13 g/d recorded in sheep supplemented with wheat bran (200 g/d) + lablab (312 g/d) and lowest average daily weight gain 26.68 g/d was recorded in control treatment. Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) was higher in T2 (P<0.11) in forage legumes supplemented sheep compared to the T1,T3 and T4. Supplementation of wheat bran and forage legumes change, growth performance, feed conversion ratio and feed conversion efficiency of experimental sheep. The smallest hot carcass weight (8.71 kg) was recorded for sheep on the control treatment, whereas the highest hot carcass weight (14.46 kg) was recorded for sheep in the supplemented with lablab (T2). Dressing percentage on slaughter weight (SW) base was significantly higher (P<0.001) in supplemented sheep than the control group. A significantly higher dressed carcass weight (P<0.001) was achieved in forage legumes supplemented sheep compared to the control. Higher ribs eye muscle area was observed in order of T2>T3>T4 compared to the control. Therefore, T2 indicate more profitable regarding with growth performance (average daily weight gain, final body weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, carcass weight and net return among the supplemented forage legumes.
Cowpea; Carcass; Lablab; Pigeon pea; Supplementation
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